If you want to know everything about a person, the best thing to do is hack their gallery.
A phone gallery holds many secrets. It is the reason why people use extra password protection to lock their gallery. They use app lock to lock the gallery.
Even if you open the phone, you will not be able to check the images and videos as you can’t open the gallery.
It is very important to check pictures on the phone. Nowadays, most of the kids try to do all sorts of illegal things and hide them in their phone. Teenagers love to take pictures. Wherever they go or whoever the hangout will be found in their gallery.
You can check their phone pictures to find out if they are exchanging indecent pictures with others. Many kids become addicted to sexting at this age. It will help you to control them.
You can also check their pictures to find out what they do in school or after school. You can check the places they hang out at. Moreover, you can also see the faces of the people they befriend. It will help you to know if your kids are in the right company.
To make sure your kids are not doing anything illegal or wrong, you need to hack their phone pictures. It will help you to monitor them and protect them from dangers.
Hacking Phone Pictures

It is very important to hack phone pictures. Earlier, parents used to open the phone gallery and check the pictures simply, but now they can’t do it.
The kids protect their phone data using password protection. So there is no other option but to hack their pictures.
By hacking their pictures, you can check each and every photo and video on their phone. You can check the camera as well as the downloaded pictures.
You can open each photo and check the time and date. Moreover, you can even check the geolocation of the picture.
Three Ways to Hack Phone Pictures
There are plenty of ways by which you can easily hack phone pictures but need to be averse. There are some ways of hacking that are illegal. You need to avoid these methods. Then, there are other methods which are very expensive. If you can’t afford these methods, you can use free hacking ways. These methods are free to use. You don’t have to waste any money. Here are some free methods of hacking phone pictures.
Cloud Storage

The first and easiest method of hacking pictures is cloud storage. This method is absolutely free because you don’t have to use any software or tools to use it. This method is perfect for hacking because you can hack pictures from any type of phone. You can hack pictures from the android phone using Google cloud storage. For hacking pictures from iPhone, you can use the iCloud option. However, to use this option, you need to know the password or credentials. Other than that, the backup of the phone gallery should be on. If the backup is not on, you need to create a backup first and then hack the pictures. You have to use your own device.
For android, you can go to Google images at https://images.google.com. To do that you have to log in to the Google account. You need to know the password. For iPhone, you can open an iCloud account at https://www.icloud.com/. You need to know the password to access it after. After you use the password to log in, you can go to the pictures option and check all the photos and videos directly from your device.
Free Phone Spy

Free Phone Spy is a phone spying app, but you can use it to hack pictures from a phone. This app is compatible with android phones and the iPhone. This method is free to use. You can opt for the free trial to hack pictures for free. To use this method, you have to create an account first. After you sign up, you need to set up the app. The iPhone setup includes simply entering the cloud credentials. The android setup includes the installation of the app on the phone. Once the setup is done, you can simply log in and use the Photo/Video option. With this option, you will be able to view all the pictures from the phone remotely.

TheTruthSpy App is another phone spying app, but it is only for android hacking. You can only hack the pictures from the android phone by using this app. It is free to use. You don’t have to spend any money. To use this app, you have to register your account with the app. After that, you have to download and install the app on the android phone. Once it is done, you can log in and use the Photo/Video option to view all the pictures.
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